Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Physical Education

In PE we are currently focusing on ball skills. We have been using bats to bat a ball accurately to our partner. Some children found this a challenge but had fun. Here we are in our full PE kits.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

I really enjoyed the trip. The most enjoyable part was the clay making because we made our hands dirty and it was fun.                              

                                        By Safa

I really enjoyed the trip. The most enjoyable part was when we went on the nature walk with Simon. He told us a lot about plants and flowers.                          
                       By Sana
As promised, here are some pictures of our fantastic day in the Forest of Dean.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Forest of Dean

This Term our main topic is the Forest of Dean. Next Friday we will be visiting the Forest of Dean to carry out some of our learning in the outdoors. We will be learning about different tree and plant types, forest art and we will also be going on a nature walk. We are all really looking forward to going. If you are able to help on the school trip please tick the box on your child's letter. Three parents will be chosen according to when the letters were handed in.

Keep checking back for some trip pictures.