Monday, 16 December 2013

musical instruments

In Year 3, we have been learning about musical instruments. We were really inspired to learn more about music and the sounds that different instruments make after learning African drumming. Take a look at us having a go at making our own from recycled materials.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Children In Need

Don't forget, next Friday the 15th we will be celebrating 'Children In Need' by wearing our Pyjamas to school. If you are choosing to take part please bring a 50p donation and pass it on to your class teacher.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Dental Session

Dental Session

On Tuesday we had a visit from the University of Bristol dental students. We learnt lots about looking after our teeth and noticing when there may be something wrong. Take a look at all the learning and fun we had. We can not wait until our 2nd session next Tuesday to find out more.

Monday, 7 October 2013

African dancing

African Dancing

We had an amazing time last Monday taking part in Black History week celebrations. On Monday we got the opportunity to learn some African dancing as well as wearing African fabrics and face paints. Take a look.

On Friday, we also got to show off our drumming skills in the whole school assembly. We wish you could have been there. Take a look at the short video below. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

If you haven't already heard at home, next week we are celebrating Black History Month. Each class has a focus to learn about and will get to share their findings in our whole school assembly on Friday. Every child will also be taking part in African dancing on Monday  to kick start the week with a professional dancer. We will also be having some visitors in our other assemblies. Any extra learning that can take place at home for this celebration week will benefit the children a lot.
African Drumming

Year 3 are very fortunate to be having African drumming lessons which are taking place every Wednesday afternoon. So far, we have had two lessons and the children are progressing well. We have been learning a rhythm to a song about bananas so you may have heard your child singing this at home. Pictures of the children during lessons will follow shortly.

Wookey Hole

Wookey Hole Trip

On Friday we had a fantastic trip to Wookey Hole. First, we explored the caves and thankfully we all managed to stay brave, even the teachers. After, we  explored the grounds and watched paper making. A few of us where also lucky enough to have a go.

Thank you to all the parents that came with both year 3 and year 4. Your help and support is much appreciated.